Systemic Racism Blocking Black Americans: Civil Rights Group

The National Urban League released its annual report on Tuesday. The report
states that blacks are behind whites in key areas such as wealth, education and
social justice.
According to the civil rights organization the Equality Index, which compiles
the average results for races in many areas of life and shows that Black
Americans still get 73.9 percent less than whites, despite having made economic
and health improvements. The organization said this demonstrates the difficulty
of trying to combat racism that is systemic for people of color.
"These numbers are changing so small and only slow. It tells me that the
racial disparity in society based upon race seems to have been built into
American society," Marc Morial, the president of National Urban League,
The index revealed that the median household income for Black people, at
$43,862, is about 37 percent less than that of white people, at $69,823. Black
Americans are also less likely to benefit from the benefits of homeownership
which is the primary source of US generational wealth.
Census data indicates Black couples are nearly twice as likely than their
white counterparts to be denied the mortgage or home improvement loan. This
results in just 60 percent of the home equity median white households possess as
well as just 13 percent of their wealth.
Morial said that there has been almost nothing changed in the field of wealth
since the civil rights movement. "The gap in wealth has become bigger."
One health indicator stands out among many: Black Americans have a lower life
expectancy than whites. A child born today is likely to have to live a 74.7-year
duration 4 years lower than a child born in the past.
There are also lifelong inequalities: Black women are 59% higher than women
of white to have children and are 31 percent more likely to breast cancer. Black
men are 52 percent more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
The report comes two years after the country faced a massive reckoning with
racism following the death of George Floyd. Floyd was a Black man who was killed
to death by a white officer during an arrest in Minneapolis.
Floyd's death ignited nationwide protests and calls for equality and the end
of police brutality against Black people.
Although some states moved to reform their police force after a few unarmed
Black people were killed by policeofficers, the report indicates that Black
people are nearly twice as likely as white people to be subjected to threats or
use of force in police encounters. You can get more details on society by
visiting black poets
Three times more likely to be detained and sentenced. They are 93% more
likely to become victims of hate crimes in 2020.
There are many gaps in education: Black and white preschoolers are roughly
equally prepared however their classrooms are starkly different.
Schools with a higher percentage of minority students are more likely to have
less experienced, qualified and sometimes uncertified teachers. These students
are less likely to enroll in STEM classes that could lead to better-paying jobs.
Black students are less likely than white students to go on to graduate
Meanwhile, drug overdoses afflict people of all races about equally. Whites are five times more likely to consume alcohol to death due to cirrhosis or chronic liver disease. Whites are twice as likely to be suicide-prone than people aged between 15 and 24. Black men are nine times more likely die from suicide.
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